
area of work
       accounting and finance
       corporate culture
       internal auditing
       management systems
       organisational development
       risk management
       value-added processes
    interims / support
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This is a concept which seems to have gained an immense popularity these days. Efforts at trying to grasp the essence of this magic phrase have frequently led to confusion instead of understanding. "Controlling" is often reduced to an activity within the field of accountancy. This however shows that the actual sense of controlling has not been understood.

For us "controlling" is an instrument for supporting management in the day to day running of the firm. So primarily it is an instrument for the senior management.

"Controlling" - carried out properly - is an instrument which all subordinate organisations in the firm profit from. Controlling is not restricted to the numerical data provided by the accountants. On the contrary, it makes use of all relevant information which the firm has at its disposal. That means, that gaining and presenting information about the quality of internal processes is of great importance.

Due to this vast number of options of controlling we are always aware of the need to avoid "information overload" when working with our clients.

Controlling can only be a useful instrument for the management when we continually encounter new challenges presented in our firm, in our economy and in our society.

Our contribution begins right from the beginning from

  • the conceptual phase, and is continued in

  • the phases of development and introduction

and finally goes on as we will support you in

  • operating and

  • modifying

your controlling system.

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